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Bumper Stickers for Software Testers !
Friday, December 08, 2006
Try these bumper stickers on your car. Warning! Use at your own risk and only if you are a Software Tester !

1 Ask me about my latest bug.
2 Honk if you love to crash software.
3 My other car is a bug.
4 Have you hugged your software tester today?
5 Software Testers: Always looking for trouble.
6 Software Testing is Like Fishing, But You Get Paid.
7 Software Testers: "Depraved minds...Usefully employed." ~Rex Black
8 Software Testing: Where failure is always an option.
9 Software Testing: When Your System Actually Has to Work
10 Software Quality: Don't ship without it.
11 I don't make software; I make software better.
12 Improving the world one bug at a time.
13 Software Testing: You make it, we break it.
14 Software Testers don't break software; it's broken when we get it.
15 Software Testers: We break it because we care.
16 To err is human; to find the errors requires a tester.
17 If developers are so smart, why do testers have such job security?
18 My software can beat up your software.
19 A good tester has the heart of a a jar on the desk.
20 Test is my copilot.
21 If your software works, thank a tester.
22 Old Model-Based Testers Never Die; They Just Transition to a Higher State.
23 Life is too short for manual testing.
24 Friends don't let friends do capture-replay.
25 Support spec-based testing: Be code-dependent no more!
26 People should think and machines should test.
27 Test never sleeps.
28 Visualize Great Software
29 Trust, But Verify.
30 Pertempto ergo sum ? I test, therefore I am.
31 Testers don't like to break things; they like to dispel the illusion that things work. ~ Kaner, Bach, Pettichord
32 I came, I saw, I found lots of #$@% bugs in your %$#@ spaghetti code!
33 I test, therefore it works.
34 Testers don't go to work to make friends.
35 Bad Code is Not Bad, Its Just Misunderstood.
36 Test everything. Hold on to that which is good." - 1 Thessalonians 5:21
37 Brain on, eyes open...test." ~ James Whittaker
38 There's always one more bug.
39 Testing...a target-rich environment.
40 It did what? Well, it's not supposed to do that.
41 My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.
42 The Definition of an Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in.
43 We break software so you don't have to.
44 I used to build I break it! Its a lot more fun!!
45 We travel fast and we travel light - let's hunt some bugs!
46 Bugs, bugses, we find them, Preciousss.
47 Software Testing: That Which Does Not Kill Us, Still Hurts A Lot
48 We don't find bugs by chance , we create them by choice
49 Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and more bugs to squash!
50 Our job is tell you your baby is ugly!
51 Your code is buggy and your mom dresses you funny.
52 Does your mother know what kind of code you write?
53 Just test it
54 To test, or not to test -- there is no question
55 Be verwy verwy quiet, I am hunting defects
56 Passion-driven testing: Making every line of code feel dirty.
57 Software Testing is a second-childhood: You broke it, and I?m telling.
58 Code-Coverage Testing: Making every line of code feel dirty and used.
59 All code is guilty, until proven innocent.
60 Siamese Twins- Developers and Testers
61 If it ain't broke, you're not trying hard enough.
62 Only certainties in life: Death, taxes and bugs in code!
63 Bug-Checking Is Brutally Cool! - Doonesbury
64 Testing Delayed is Testing Denied
65 Bugs are that which, when you stop believing in them, don't go away.
66 Those are the bugs, if you don't like them...I have others
67 Development is what you're capable of doing. PM determines what you do. Testing determines how well you do it.
68 Development and testing are indispensable to each other.
69 Only certainties in life: Death, taxes and bugs in code!
70 Faith is fine in private life, but poison in software testing.
71 Testing is organized skepticism.
72 Testers do it over and over.
73 Software Entomologist: Get bugs or die trying!
74 Project Managers want it to work. Developers try to make it work. Customers hope it works. Testers know how it works.
75 Software Testers - We succeed where others fail!
76 I'm a Software Tester. Bug me all you want!
77 Credit the Developer, Debit the Tester.
78 If it works, its the developer, if not it's QA
79 Hate the Tester, Love the programmer
80 Down QAs, Up Developers
81 Breakage is our business... and business is good.
82 It's Automation, Not Automagic!
83 It compiled on your system, but it committed suicide on mine!
84 Test it now or test it later, either way it's gonna be tested.
85 Semper Pertemptum: Always Testing
86 Keep on Testin'
87 You build it, we break it!
88 Software Testing, not just a checkbox on your project plan.
89 Software Testing, we save the best for last.
90 Software Testing, we crash so you don't burn
91 Quality Assurance, we take the blame so you don't have to.
92 We don't create defects, we just find yours.
93 My defect was a showstopper on build .645!
94 I saved our customers from the showstopper in build .645!
95 Software Testers Always go to Heaven ... they've already had their share of Hell!
96 Old testers never die, they just regress.
97 SQA: We eat bugs for breakfast.
98 Software testers: we don't get headaches - we're just carriers.
99 Got quality?
100 QA Princess -- Breaking hearts, breaking code!
101 Hard on software but soft on programmer.
102 Honk if you believe in bug free code, or the Easter bunny.
103 Have bug?, will find!
104 Development Is Like A Box of Chocolates, Testers Never Know What They Are Going To Get!!
105 A tester is for life, not just Christmas.
106 I brake for blue screens of death.
107 In bugs we trust.
108 Software Testing: The Bug Stops Here.
109 In God we trust, and for everything else we test.
110 If you can read this sticker it passed the usability test
111 Exploratory Tester: Spec's are for wimps
112 The great tragedy of Testing: the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.
113 A bug in the hand is better than one as yet undetected.
114 And on the seventh day, He shipped.
115 Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
116 Software Testing ? Because computers are only human.
117 Seeking out complexity is the essence of bug finding.
118 Bugs are not an option: they're bundled with the software!
119 Agile Testers of the world UNIT!
120 If you can read this sticker it passed the usability test
121 Exploratory Tester: Specs are for wimps
122 The great tragedy of Testing: the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.
123 When the testing gets tough, switch to test generation.
124 Quando omni flunkus testerati (When all else fails, try testing.)
125 Software testing - because computers are only human.
126 Every morning is the dawn of a new error.
Posted @ Friday, December 08, 2006   0 comments

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Common Misconceptions about Software Testing
Thursday, December 07, 2006

There are many misconceptions about software testing. This article deals with the five most common misconceptions about how software testing differs from other testing.

Five Common Misconceptions
Some of the most common misconceptions about software testing relate to how software testing differs from other testing. Following is a discussion of the five most common misconceptions about software testing:

1. You can completely test the system.
If you stop to think about the enormity of accomplishing such a task, you will quickly come to realize that it is not possible to completely test any complex software system. First you start with the complexity of the software under test. Layer upon this the complexity of the numerous combinations of data and user input. Add to this the complexity of the countless combinations of computer hardware, system software, network software, and other software that may be running with the software under test. Taking all of that into consideration, it is easy to see that the task of "completely" testing software cannot be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time.It is more important to think in terms of sufficiently testing the software, focusing on critical functions, data paths, most-used functionality, on most commonly used platforms.

2. You can have "zero defect" or bug-free software.
Perfection is an approachable but not an achievable goal. Given that there is simply not enough time and money to test everything, the goal must be to test well enough to deliver acceptable software quality. It is also important to remember that no matter how good a job you do eliminating defects, your software runs in an operating environment (operating system, device drivers, other software, networking software and environment) that has bugs of its own over which you have no control. These bugs in the environment can cause problems for your software.

3. Software testing is exclusively a quality control activity.
Software testing is more than simply a quality control (QC) activity. It is also a quality assurance (QA) activity and part of the overall development process. Quality control refers to measurement or inspection activities that are intended to compare actual results with the expected results of a project. Software testing goes beyond this. It is a process of exploration in which there is an iterative evolving process of test design, execution, and problem identification. Software testing also takes into account the needs of the customer, which QC rarely does.

4. Software testing slows us down.
Product release schedules are very much driven by a focus on time-to-market. This places an extreme pressure on the speed of development. To help to deal with this there have been great advances in software development platforms and tools that significantly accelerate the development process. In addition, software development methodologies such as Agile and Extreme Programming help to speed up software development. However, traditional testing has not kept pace with these advances, and has not experienced a corresponding increase in speed. This leads to the perception that testing slows us down, as it has not sped up as the development process has.Simply squeezing software testing to meet delivery schedules is not an adequate answer to this problem. This can result in delivering poor quality software with many defects that can lead to numerous unforeseen and uncontrollable costs in time and money. It is more important to address the issue by first accepting that testing is an important part of the process that takes a certain amount of time, time that must be built into the schedule. It is also important to investigate and adopt testing strategies and methodologies such as Action-Based Testing and global test automation (the integration of the latest test automation methodologies and technologies with global resource strategies) that help to speed up testing while improving test coverage.

5. Software testing is software development.
While software testing is part of the overall software development process, it is actually a very separate and discrete activity. While it is common to use the terms "software development", "software design", and "programming" interchangeably, it is not common to say "software development" when you mean "software testing." The two tasks are viewed differently. Just as a Marketing group spends money so that the Sales group can earn money, software testing is necessary to software development. Software development results in the generation of an eventual product, which in turn will generate revenue. Software testing, however, is an activity in which problems in the product under development are brought to light. Testing is a process of trying to break in order to fix so that the organization may avoid significant costs in time and money after the product is released.
Posted @ Thursday, December 07, 2006   0 comments

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